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Our ranks

Ranks on a Minecraft server are special titles or levels that can be assigned to players to denote their role, status, or achievements in the game. They can also grant certain benefits or access rights. Here are some examples:



You can / have

4x /home

3 Plots

Write colorfully in chat

Enderchest Level 2

200 friend slots



You can/have

10x /home

Every 7 days /head


7 Plots

You can join the full server

Write colorfully in chat

Writing in color in the anvil

Every day /sign

EC Level 4

4x /pholo

1000 Friends Slots



You can/have

18x /home

Every day /head


15 plots

Enter full server

Write colorfully in chat

Writing in color in the anvil

Writing in colour on signs

Write bold

Every hour /sign

Give away Premium every 5 days


EC Level 6

10x Pholo



2000 Friends Slots

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